The 8th & I Reunion Association
An organization of Marines
who served at
Marine Barracks
8th & I Streets, S.E.,
Washington D.C.
Photos from the 1970's
The Photo that Covers Two Decades!
The platoon that is in the place where the 1st platoon of MCI would normally stand
during a Friday parade is, in fact, the silent drill platoon of the 1968 Special
Ceremonial Platoon. Standing in front of that platoon is 2nd Lt Jim Bathurst. The
photo was not a parade rehearsal or anything of that nature, but rather a photo op
staged for Div Info of HQMC. The Platoon Guide is Cpl David Severn, who was felt
to be the sharpest Marine in the platoon, and was usually assigned as supernumerary
for Friday nights because he knew nearly every man's position by heart.
This same photo is the center fold of a recruiting publication put out by HQMC
entitled "Marine" in 1970 without the inset of the Lt executing "present sword."
The officer in the inset for the photo is 1st Lt Sandy Alderson (later to become
Executive Vice-President for Major League Baseball, and CEO of the San Diego Padres),
who came to the Barracks from Vietnam in 1971. The inset was added to the photo
by HQMC Div for additional publications.
(Photo submitted by Jim Bathurst, with ID of officer in the inset
by Gen. Peter Pace)
The White House in 1971. (L to R are): Melvin Laird (Sec Def), President Nixon,
Henry Kissinger (Sec State) and Pete Heiss.
(Submitted by Pete Heiss)

1972 Battle Colors - Sgt Tim Hughes Holding the American Flag, and PFC Bobby McPherson
holding the Marine Corps Battle Colors.
(Submitted by Dennis Lynch)

CGC at the Iwo War Memorial - 1974

Colors being lowered at Friday afternoon parade in 1974
(Photos submitted by Kent Snyder)

1stLt David H. Young leads the 2d platoon, CGC passing in
review at a Friday Evening parade in the summer of 1976 (Bicentennial year)
(Photo submitted by Dave Young)

Members of the Silent Drill Team report for a tour of duty, have their weapons
inspected, and take their posts at the Naval Hospital in Bethesda MD in June 1973,
when President Nixon was hospitalized for pneumonia.

Members of the Silent Drill Team fill in as body bearers at
Arlington National Cemetery
(Items submitted by Bryan Martin)

(Items submitted by Nick Hershan)

Melvin D Baker Jr, served at 8th and I Marine Barracks during 1972 - 1973, assigned to Camp David in 1974.
(Items submitted by 8th & I Marine MELVIN BAKER, Security Company, 1972-1974, Dayton, OH)

First photo is a platoon picture taken on the Parade Deck of 2nd Platoon MCI Company in 1970. The other photo was taken during the "Pass In Review" at one of the Sunset Parades at the IWO Monument on Tuesdays. I was the 1/4 man in the platoon.
(Items submitted by 8th & I Marine Al Kovarik, 2nd Platoon, MCI Company, Marine Barracks 8th & I 1969 through 1970

Photo taken on 15AUG1979, from the area of Center Walk, during the Pass In Review portion of the special parade held in honor of retiring Sergeant Major of The Marine Corps John R. Massaro. It had been Sgt Maj. Massaro’s wish that all officer billets for the parade be staffed by enlisted men. Shown left to right: right rear shoulder of incoming Sergeant Major of The Marine Corps Leland D. Crawford, Cpl. MB Brown, Cpl. CP Acree, hidden by Acree, Sgt RW Lockett, Cpl BC Doran, Jr and Sgt KW Trehan.

The photo is of Barracks personnel who served as judges for “The Ninth Annual Rutgers University Invitational Drill Meet”, held at the National Guard Armory in Elizabeth, NJ on Saturday, 07APRIL1979. Front rank, left to right are Capt. James F. Houston, Capt. Ralph E. Parker, Jr., 1st Lt. Michael S. Haskell (who was later KIA during the bombing of the barracks in Beirut, Lebanon, 23OCT1983), 1st Sgt. John Brewer, GySgt. Timothy J. Axel; second rank, left to right, SSgt. Frederick W. Fenwick, GySgt. Peter J. Seagriff, Cpl. Ralph M. Biggs and Cpl. Bernard C. Doran, Jr. (Name of last guy unknown)
(Item submitted by 8th & I Marine Chuck Doran)

I had a great time serving with the Ceremonial Guard Company in Building 58. Although I spent most of my time with 1st Platoon and the Silent Drill Platoon/Team, I did a few other details along the way. One of them was a brief stint with the "Body Bearers." During the Christmas and New Year's holiday leave period in 1973-1974 I got shanghaied into carrying the casket bearing a retired three-star General into and then back out of the Chapel over at Arlington National cemetery. We then proceeded to the gravesite and placed the casket on the device that lowered it into the grave. Luckily there were a few actual body bearers still there to show us how to do everything (including the folding of the flag).
I'm attaching a photo of our detail. I'm the LCpl in the middle of the back row. As you can see, it was cold, windy, and snowy that day. The Dress Blue overcoats helped a little, but we were all pretty happy to get back on the bus at the end of the ceremony. The General's family was very impressed with the ceremony and the fact that we remained at "ceremonial-at-ease" the entire time the services were being conducted inside the Chapel. Hey, a Marine deserves to be taken care of all the way to his/her grave.
Best wishes, Bill
(Item submitted by 8th & I Marine William (Bill) Cronin)

Ceremonial Guard Co., Silent Drill Platoon, Inspection Team, 3rd Squad Leader, 1970-72….
The Marines in this group were a bunch of 'hams' that loved the camera. My dad is the good looking Marine kneeling down in the middle of the group.
Submitted by Robert Goodwin

This is a picture of me leading the "Meat Grinder" with the Silent Drill Team in 1971.
Submitted by Bernard Dunn, 8th & I, Ceremonial Guard Company, Drill Team, 1971-73 / Vietnam Veteran

Body Bearers 1975-1978
Submitted by Thomas Creekmore, 8th & I

Silent Drill Team performance at the Marine Barracks - 1970

H&S Co Platoon during final inspection before going to Arlington Cemetery for funeral detail. Sep 1970

Ceremony at Iwo Jima memorial. Aug 1970
Submitted by Tom Lewis

B Co. 3rd Herd 1979-1980 - Lt. Rob Stevens, Plt Sgt Gearheart Believe this was a Georgetown detail .
Submitted by Jeffrey Speweike, 8th & I

1st Pic - Parade Staff Barracks, 2nd Pic - Parade Staff CMC, 3rd Pic - 1stSgt Hockaday, 4th Pic - A Company 1STSGT
Submitted by Al N Hockaday SgtMaj USMC (Ret) , 8th & I
Tom Lewis's Reader's Digest reprint of Marines on Parade 1974; Click here
For David Wright's photos of the 1970's, Click here.
For Richard Bollwerk's photos of the 1970's, Click here.
Anyone having additional submissions for this page should send them
to: CGC Webmaster.