A special tribute to honor the memory of Mike Haskell, who served as a Barracks
Officer from 1978 to 1981
after 6 years outstanding service as an enlisted man, and was KIA in the 1983 terrorist bombing
of the
Marine Barracks in Beirut, Lebanon can be found
To see an interesting article "No One Drills Like 8th & I Marines," click
To see "Pass In Review" for February, 1988,
The see the parade program for 17 June, 1988, click
(Items submitted by Albert-Meyer Pflug)

Mike Stitzel with then-Col. (and later Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff)
Peter Pace at the 1989 Marine Corps Birthday Ball.
(Item submitted by Mike Stitzel)

2nd Plt B Co 1985 Outing (L-R) LCpl Florian, Cpl Garipey, Lcpl Poiter

1st Plt B Co 1986

White Housse NCO's (L-R) Cpl Privette, Sgt Gard, Cpl Tillner, Cpl Lytle

MGySgt Allen with Gen Peter Pace at his "farewell to the troops" ceremony.
Gen Pace was CO of Barracks when MGySgt Allen served there in 1988 as the White House NCOIC.
(Photos submitted by MGySgt Allen)

8th&I Marine SgtMaj Brookshire (87-88) in Afghanistan with Oliver North
(Submitted by Albert Meyer-Pflug)
Below: 2nd Plt B Company firing party at Arlington Cemetery 1986

Tom Kutka and his father (a Marine who served in the 1950's)
at the Marine War Memorial - Arlington, VA
(Items submitted by Tom Kutka)

Parade Staff for NCO Parade - 1987

1988 H&S — MCI

1989 H&S — MCI
Members of H&S and MCI Companies who served as greeters, hosts, security,
for Barracks Evening parades in 1988 and 1989.
(Items submitted by Blake Slayton)
The Drill Team in March 1989 at Corpus Christi, Texas with the SgtMaj of the Marine Corps
(SgtMaj David Sommers). Standing second from left is Moser, first kneeling is Eric Carlson,
fifth person standimg from left is Lance Cpl Frederick (Rifle inspector for 1991), standing
behind SgtMaj David Sommers (on HIS right) with just his face is Mark Nicol, and over SgtMaj
left shoulder is Joey Carlson.
(Photo submitted by Eric Carlson, and Identifications by Courtney McGrath)

Col. D.J. Myers presents Meritorious Mast to Brian DeLano in 1987

The Barracks Volleyball Team wins Silver Medal in the Marine Corps
Eastern Regional tournament. #2 in the front row is GySgt Taylor,
#11 is Marty Burns, the woman in front row is SSgt Wieder,
#1 is Mike Hastings, and #3 is Brian Avery.
#10 is Brian DeLano,
and behind him is Wilmot from 1st Plt
Bravo Company, and to his right is CWO3 Wolfe
(Items submitted by Brian DeLano)

Picnic at Quantico - 1987
(L to R) PFC Steven Amiott, LCPL Zerozynski "ZERO", LCPL Waldroup, Pfc Dean

The 2nd Plt. of B Company at Quantico in 1987

A Co, 2nd Platoon practicing at the Iwo Jima Memorial for the Sunset Parade in 1988.
Albert Meyer-Pflug in the 1-3 position, and Mcbride is 1-4.

From Albert Meyer-Pflug: A Co, 2nd Platoon group shot as we head to Quantico for Riot
Control Exercise sometime in 1988. We got to play the bad guys and B Co were the
Marines who cleaned up combat town. One of the best training experiences I had while
at 8th&I. I tried to remember all the Marines in the picture but came up short on a
few of them. Top Row: Unknown, Vresh, Unknown, Brookshire, Unknown, Covert, Bladen,
Unknown, Unknown, Hedger, Unknown, Unknown, "Bangor" Lang, Alves, SSgt ?, Smith; and
Front Row, Unknown and myself.

B Co Marines in formation and ready to clean up combat town in Quantico.

Here's our platoon causing all sorts of mischief for the B Company Marines.

L to R, Albert-Meyer Pflug, Jon Alves, and Chris Harper

"Pass in Review" with Albert-Meyer Pflug in the 2-3 position

Back row L to R, Harper, Cpl Baker, Albert-Meyer Pflug, Covert, and Alves
Front row L to R, Lcpl Dickman, and unknown

Visiting Chris Harper at Bethesda Naval Hospital following shoulder surgery.
L to R, Dickerson, Alves, Orange, Harper, and Albert-Meyer Pflug
(Items submitted by Albert-Meyer Pflug)

USMC Birthday Ball with General Gray
L/Cpl Baker, L/Cpl Stewart, General Gray, unknown, L/Cpl Lima and L/Cpl Albanese

1st Plt., Company "B" enjoying a fishing trip

1st Plt., Company "B" hallway
(items submitted by John Albanese)

212th Birthday Ball Washington D.C. 1987
L/Cpl Brian Delano, CMC Al Gray, L/Cpl Michael Miller, CPL Robert Doss

Bravo Company Sept 10, 1988 - Wedding of Brian J. Delano
Top row: Cpl Joe Marzi, L/Cpl Mike Miller, L/Cpl Brian Delano, Cpl Don Grieves,
Cpl Mike Swaine
Kneeling: Cpl Nate Price, Cpl Rob Doss
(Items submitted by Brian Delano)

Gary Taylor receiving his Meritorious Promotion to Corporal in early 1983.
(Submitted by Gary Taylor)

Lorne Parker's reenlistment ceremony conducted by Captain Burge
April, 1987
(Submitted by Lorne Parker)

(L - R): 1stSgt Jerome Snowden, MSgt Thom Clark, formerly of the Camp David
Security Company, and President George W. Bush.
Photo taken in Apr 2003 at the 6th Marines Chow Hall just after the invasion of

Albert Meyer-Pflug's photo of himself, with (l - r) Unknown, Unger, Bladen, and Unknown celebrating at
his parent's home the evening before "A" Co. participated in New York City's February 1989 celebration of the
Bicentenniel of George Washington's February 21, 1789 inauguration as President.
Can anyone help ID the unknowns?

PFC Dennis Foster, CDS Graduation Jan 1988
Capt Whitney, LCpl Crosby
| |
1988 Body Bearers |
CPl Luz Cardosa and LCpl Dennis Foster at Friday Evening Parade |
(Items submitted by Dennis Foster)
In 1982, actress Lynda Carter of Wonder Woman fame performed in an evening special with the Silent Drill Team. At the time the team was in training at MCAS Yuma, AZ. We were flown to Hollywood for a few days to film the sequence at either MGM or Universal studio, I don't remember which. I always wished that I had gotten a recording of the show. I was a PFC at the time, and was fortunate that I made the tryout. My wife recently found the video on youtube, so here is the link. I remember where I was, even though it was 31 years ago because I almost cut Lynda when she came out from backstage while eight of us were doing the meat grinder. We practiced with a stand-in the day before filming and she didn't give Lynda enough information. Lynda walked right between Steve Barker and myself while we were spinning our rifles. Good thing it wasn't live!
Kevin Keller, SDT - 1982-1984
Thanks John - pretty cool! BTW - this may be of interest - I was on a Marine Band "patriotic opener" job on March 30, 1981 at the Washington Hilton playing for a gathering of the AFL-CIO at which President Reagan spoke and was than shot as he left the building. It was a cold rainy day and several of us had worn overcoats and of course had instrument cases that had to be collected after we were released, which added a little time for us to get to our bus. As we came out into the lobby, we were aware of an unusual level of activity - all the pay phones were being used and people seemed to be hurrying everywhere. We went out the doors to walk to our waiting Marine Corps bus and heard that there had been a shooting. The first members of the Band that exited the building actually saw the limousine disappear around the corner headed for the hospital. At this point, Press Secretary Brady and the Secret Service officer and the DC cop were still lying on the sidewalk. The Secret Service already had rope lines up for crowd control and were all carrying weapons, several of which were Uzi's. The Drum Major told us to get on the bus and wait. Our driver, a young Marine Corporal or Lance Corporal had witnessed the entire event and had slid down alongside the engine hump to avoid being hit by any stray bullets that might come that way. As we sat there waiting to get the go-ahead, several of the press corps saw our bus, realized that there was a witness on board and headed in our direction. So the Drum Major closed the door and said to the driver, "Drive." On the way back to the Barracks, the conversation on the bus got around to "where were you when Kennedy was shot?" One of the group - a flute player from Texas named Les Hunt had been in the crowd along the parade route leading up to the Book Depository and had waved at the President just minutes before he was shot.
Just as a post script, years later I was called to tune a piano in the chapel room on the 3rd floor of the St. Elizabeth's Hospital pavilion where John Hinckley was held until recently. Just being in a building that housed the criminally insane was very intimidating. I don't know if you have seen it, but there's a made-for-TV movie that premiered this week on the National Geographics channel called "Killing Reagan", named after the book of the same name by Bill O'Reilly that is a fascinating look at the events that led to Hinckley's act. Check it out at
http://www.imdb.com/title/tt5059126/ .
Submitted by 8th & I Marine Eliot "Ike" Evans, Marine Band ("The President's Own"), 1970-1998, Dumfries, VA (originally from Long Island, NY)

Submitted by 8th & I Marine Eliot "Ike" Evans, Marine Band ("The President's Own"), 1970-1998, Dumfries, VA (originally from Long Island, NY)
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to: webmaster @8thandI.com
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