A 1992 photo of Commandant of the Marine Corps General Carl E. Mundy
with the Drill Team of 1992-1993
(Identification by Steven Tomlinson)

The 1993 SDT in Ottaw Canada with the Fort Henry Guard.
The inspection team shown is Cpl Todd Carswell, Lcpl Scott, and Cpl
Tim Benzinger.
(Above items submitted by Tim Benzinger)

B Company - 1993

Silent Drill Team Rehearsal - 1994

1994 Drill Team (San Diego Times Article)
(Photos submitted by Manny Salazar)

This is a picture while I was stationed at 8th & I, June 1995 to July 1997
(Submitted by Robert Perez, MCI Co., 1995-1997)

1992 USMC Birthday Ball in Washington DC. From left to right in the picture (looking at picture) 8th & I Guard Detachment - WHCA Guard Members
Far left, Me(Brad Griffin), Ben Martin, General Mundy, To the Right of General Mundy, Tom Ellis, Brian Bishop
Semper Fi, Brad Griffin

1992 B Company, 2nd Platoon
Submitted by Cpl Kevin Metcalf yrs 1990 - 1992

While working as a West Wing Sentry at the White House from 90-91 I had this picture taken with George Burns.
Submitted by Donald A. Szarmach, 8th & I, MCI Company and West Wing Sentry at the White House (90-91) 1988-1992, Somerset, Pa

Was taken near the flag pole in the fall of 1997. I'm on the right standing with Sgt. Gray. We were giving a tour at the time.
Todd White, Guard Company & MSC Camp David

Colonel Ron Rook

L to R: 1994: Co. B 3rd Plt at Quantico for Weapons Expo and 1994: Co. B 3rd Plt

1994 Bn Parade Staff
L to R: Darryl Self. If you remember the other men please let us know.

This photo was taken in 1991 in Winter Haven, Florida. Everyone will recognize Ted Williams, the greatest baseball player ever
and a Marine pilot hero in both WW II and Korea. In middle is yours truly and on right is Johnny Pesky.
Submitted by Ken Libby, 8th and I, Jan 58 to Nov 60. 2nd Platoon
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to: webmaster @ 8thandi.com
Contact us at: cgccontact @ 8thandI.com
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